Sunday, December 1, 2013

LinkedIn Spam

If you received some spam from linkedin via ...then I am truly sorry. Somethings have gone wrong and if you have clicked on them, you too have got your account smacked.

Please do this...

First off... go into your Linkedin account and mouse over to your face on the top right corner.
There a sub menu will come out and click on the review privacy..

What you see here is the aftermath of me being so pissed off finding the settings but the next image will be a little tad clearer.

This is the silly part where you logged in and verify your identity first and then you click on the 3rd tab, under the Groups settings and applications. You can also remove yourself from the group there too... for yr info.

On the View Applications, you see a whole load of bunch of applications there. I even see one that says... DO NOT AUTHORISE THIS APPLICATION. Somehow someone did screw up somewhere.... and I did not check them till today.

By clicking on the applications, you can then remove them all.

Keep those you recognise and use often, and I don't suggest you keep Microsoft or Google linked to your account.

God knows what evil can they do.

And if you still get spam from me... call me!~

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