Monday, April 22, 2013

Back to Basics

Well, time of the year for me to do my full set of audits and movements and I really need to do the cleaning up and which means moving Hosting Providers, Host Nets, Software services to a more optimised scheme.

So sorry for the delays..and if there are downtimes.... mind the mess

Remembering Somethings

Let's Face It... sometimes when we are caught in many work... we have to forego many things and we are grossly reminded by it.

I lost my domain, AZRIN.NET , Geeks Lair.....many years back with the remembrance of my family, friends etc...and I've to remind myself here...that things do change for a better....

Today I receive the birth of a nephew to the world, Congrats Nurasyikin & Fazly on the arrival of your baby boy.... but a life in, a life out...

So in recap... I will reprint from what I have said before....