As we go forward with e-Payments such as SGQR, AliPay, etc some acquirers are refusing to refund the admin fees incurred by refunding or voiding a transaction and these are quite steep. For example, Paypal charges 3.5%+50c per transaction each way and means by making a refund, the merchant is 10% out of pocket usually, and this is on top of Taxes we need to pay.
As such, herein forth, all payments are subjected to PAYMENT CHARGE of 5% and any refunds back to the payment mode attract a reduction of 5% in fees. However, payments to BACS in GBP, SGD, MYR in local payment mode such as CHAPS, PAYNOW or MEPS are free..subject to the local exchange rates.
As we use many payment processors, it will be applied across the board as part of the GST+FEE.
Not so sorry, but these thieves are stealing more than what they should be.