Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Revolut Metal - is it for me?

 First off, the Metal plan was initially BRILIANT until the MAS laws step in. Paying $240/yr for 1% of cashbacks makes no sense when the concierge is gone and free lounge access is up in the sky, ie NOT FLYING~

Being a business person, I would appreciate having both Visa and Mastercard as an extra perk for the metal holder plus that the limit of having 2 physical cards are a bummer!

Getting customer service is somewhat NON EXISTENT ANYMORE and calling the 800 number won't get you anywhere. They should at least invest in some sort of offline support for PAID MEMBERS who may need emergency services etc, esp when then the app goes south. Emailing them DO NOT WORK!

I AM NOT PAID FOR THIS REVIEW but other than the card looks nice and no withdrawal in Singapore, it devalues the card totally and you have other better free cashback and goodie cards like MCO or sort.

So my rating is now 3.5* or 74% satisfaction.

And if you want one, a normal one for now, you can sign up using my direct link and leave a comment here too.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Of Blockchain, Crypto and Coins – The Dinosaur’s Edition

Many do not understand what is these hype all about, of Bitcoin, Ledger and stuff like that and even worse, in the 21st century, even financial institutions are adopting the Blockchain technologies that come with it. So here is the brief run down for everyone to be up to speed.


Cryptography is the method of ENCRYPTING or shuffling of data into a scrambled piece of information that only the sender and receiver can understand. Something like the Nazi Germany’s Enigma machines during WW2. It contains a cipher text and a Private Key which is needed to unlock or decode the message. Crypto Coins are tokens or coins in a casino minted off a factory called a Mine which the limit is defined in the initial definitions or Contract, something like the Constitution. There is a limit to how many can be mined and / or circulated.


Coins or Tokens are what these assets are called and in the defined currency. Usually we will hear BITCOIN , ETHEREUM or tokens and the currency code will be like BTC , ETH or others. They are minted by means of a REWARD SYSTEM or MINING where each block they mined, they get a certain number of coins + the mining fees.


What is a Miner and Mining Fees. To pay for a transaction or send a message, you need to pay some sort of fee, like electricity tariffs to the producer. The Miners will mine the block, encode and sign the ledger collectively and share the rewards and finders fee. Think of it as the Postman who collects your checks for the bank to process and gets a fee on the postage stuck to the envelopes. Whoever pays higher fees gets their transactions through first and the cheapest will take the last priority, mainly there is a limit to the size of the queue.


A Block is a group of transactions , bound together as a collective and at the end of the specified block, defined as either by size of the block or time is signed at the end of the block and encoded to the chain. Think of your class homework is checked by the teacher , signed off and results *(Hash of the Transactions) is recorded into the Report Book and the report book is signed by the headmaster. So before next year starts, your headmaster checks the report book signed by the teacher, add that to the start of the next year report and it goes on and on. That is called a Chain.


Because it’s been signed off by the Headmaster, the results cannot be changed on your homework or test results because everyone can have a copy of the report books. That is called the Ledger. The ledger sits on the block chain.


There are some coins that piggy back on some other infrastructure. It may be sitting on the XCP CounterParty network which rides on Bitcoin BTC network or Ethereum based ERC-20 for Tokens or ERC-721 for non-fungible tokens *(more like a fantasy coin or other uses). The coin or token require a smart contract to create and issue the coins and some due diligence is needed. A transaction fee of satoshis *(about USD7 worth of BTC at current time) or Ether Gas *(called wei ~ approx. 25c in fees) are needed to encode the message into the chain.


DAX or commonly known as Digital Asset eXchange is an exchanger of assets. Think of it as a stock market where you trade your money for future contracts like Oil etc or Forex like USD-GBP-JPY etc. A DAX sometimes sell you assets in your local currency and at times allow you to trade in different pairs such as USDT-BTC-ETH or other major pairs.


Note that USDT is a TEETHER where the asset is pegged against USD safely kept in a custodian.

Do check and do a proper full due diligence. Think of them as Promissory Notes by the Central Banks. There are stable coins for currencies like the Singapore Dollar xSGD which are acceptable by exchangers such as, CoinHako, Luno and others.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Easy ScotCoin Migrate


The Scotcoin Project have posted many videos on how to Migrate from Scotcoin V2 to Scotcoin V3

This is the SIMPLE GUIDE!

These are needed:

  1. $10 worth of BTC in your V2 account
  2. Your ETH ERC Address.
  3. Google Account (for your DRIVE)

Step 1) CREATE YOUR OWN ETH Wallet using GETH

  •   Download GETH from the OFFICIAL ETHEREUM WEBSITE. Its version 1.9.22
  • Install GETH 
  • run geth 1st time ...*(wait for a few minutes to cache up)
  • create a new wallet with the command geth account new
    • It will ask you for a password
    • It will show you your address

    • KEEP YOUR PRIVATE KEY SAFE! In this case the address is 0xCbe48547de20245b3ca39D105C953cA582386754
    • Verify the address keystore.
      the keystore will always show address and the cipher. IF YOU LOSE YOUR PASSWORD, YOU ARE SCREWED!!!
    • Windows users: your keystore is in c:\program files\geth\keystore or %appdata% look carefully where it chuck it.
    • Copy this file to your Google Drive as safe keep
Step 2) Login to your Counterparty Wallet
Thats it! You now have Scotcoins migrated.

Now..according to the Scotcoibn V2 Blockchain..there is 2600 token holders that did not migrate off, so please migrate it back!

That is alot of tokens running about.

Did I forget to say.. if you have any left BTC in your Counterparty wallet, you can either donate to me or U can open your own wallet and use it to spend in the shops vis of a Debit card.

It's quite simple anyway.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

What is the Living Will?

Sometimes, I get that question.. and it's a pain in the backside for me too, since I am a Singaporean and my darling wife is from Malaysia and since we got kids and Singapore don't bother much, it's a real pain to put wills into perspective.

So What I am going to do is radical since the new age, VIDEO DEFEATS THE PAPER. And that the fact that I do not trust lawyers and their fees et al. And whether they are in my best interests.

So here is my Will.

I, AZRIN BIN ABDUL MAJID, commonly known as Rapheal Azrin who is born in Singapore hereby declare the following:

1)That my legal and legitimate Children are as follows:
NUR RAUDHAH AZRIN and at this time and date, are FIVE (05) Only.

2)That my legal Wife is _________________________(I will not name here).
3) That my Trustee in the power of attorney and discharges is NURASYIKIN ABDUL MAJID, whom is my Blood SISTER (RELATIONSHIP) {can't provide my recipient as trustee}
4) That I have insurance Policies in Singapore, UK, Malaysia (State Countries) with pension policies.
5) That I have willed to CPF Board of my will , Dated ____________ to be correct.
6) That my Religion is ISLAM and I am creating this in accordance to the laws and rites of religion; and of that, upon my death, my remains be treated as such in accordance to my beliefs.
7) That my CPF related health and insurance policies are willed accordingly to my suiting.
8) In the event of my demise (BRAIN DEAD/MEDICALLY INCAPACITATED), my Trustee will be given the authority to donate my organs whilst I am still on artificial support or terminate my life. And in this instance , I am ordering a DO NOT RESUSCITATE. However, it is up to the medical professional to ascertain my life viability and Quality of Life.
9) That my Digital Assets is kept in an offsite location known to the Trustee and to execute to the best of interests.

Signed/Dated on timestamp
Singapore 2020

Investing in Data Disaster & Recovery Post COVID19

The most dreaded word.. DATA DISASTER & RECOVERY bring shivels into many IT professionals and managers alike. It's like WHAT IF WE LOOSE ALL OUR DATA senario. And recently, me being a real jack nerd... had it's own share of kaplui when my kid used my file server to host his ROBLOX games. Ouch.

Here are some IT situations than can resolve this. Onsite , Cloud, Hosted or Crowd.

Onsite means - use a hardware to back yr data up. Server or likewise. Offsite means it will be hosted at a Webhost / Co-location or otherwise and it's almost the same as an OnSite and Cloud... you know what its all about.

Crowd is a new kind of technology but with an older mind attached to it. Think of it as the old Napster / MIRC piracy days where one copy of the file is copied across so many peers and if you need just one file, so many peers can send you the file across the globe, bits and bobs of it.

With the era of BlockChain , ERC 2.0 and et al, I have been toying about with using Storj as the underlining backbone of the storage hosts aka Nodes. Each copy of your file is Fragmented and each fragment is hosted by at least 5 nodes and encrypted.

It looks to be an S-3 compatible BLOB technology comparative to the AWS or Azure and it's not blocked by the Chinese Firewall. And in terms of process and speed, that is up to the network satellite and cross connectivity as some are linked with E1 and some like me are linked up with GBE connections and a more preferred node.

Price wise at 1c/Gb for the store will work to about 1.5c per GB of data delivered meaning a typical LTO of 6TB will likely cost you about $100 without the need of the LTO Device, Tapes and Power.
Compare this against a $20k CAPEX cost for the drive alone and tapes.. ouch... it's a hands down winner.

Being having users all over the place, then we have the luxury of the data being segregated and not having a bottle neck across the data feed.

"But I die die want to have onsite" is a mentality which is GOOD that works well with the CROWD.
I have a customer which is a Hogger... 450TB of data... ONSITE...and if anything goes... I say God Save Em... and with a 1Gbps link (Read GPON-upload is 500Mbps)... means it will take em 79 days to upload the whole frigging data onto the network, which is a killer.

That being said, a good management of data is critical to this business case.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Opening up Johor for Business.


From malls to hotels, the Singaporean haunts that have gone quiet in Johor Bahru amid COVID-19 

compliments of CNA today, and this is what I feel I need to say.

This is why you should not talk big and blame your small brother for all your woes. SG-JB is a Symbiosis of coexistence and needed each other to support and grow, otherwise it will be the same like Rantau Panjang in Kelantan or Bukit Kayu Hitam in Kedah where all drive to Danok for stuff.

One way is to Bite the frigging bullet and barricade Johor off from rest of Malaysia and check EVERYONE in JOHOR. Costly, but that will be the small step towards cleaning up the illegal immigrants and other criminal and viral activities.

Then we slowly get things done and grow the economy. Poor Malaysian friends who need us and we too, poor us who are suffering cos of the high fuel and food costs.

Otherwise, Bintan could do the same and we all flock there.

You see, Singapore NEEDS the workforce to get things running, such as construction and services and we need an outlet to spend the money and get that itch out. We need to relax too. Being cooped up at home, SLS HLE WFH all are draining our mental might and we might be breaking into shatters when this is over.

Forget the airport, we can forgo that, we need our massages, hot spa and other stuff...and FOOD .. DELICIOUS FOOD. Don't forget one full shopping trolley in SG could cost about $300 compared to RM300 in Malaysia with like for like.

Yes, Malaysians will make noise that they cannot get into Johor without passport and checks but if every state is cleared, of pests, illegals and viruses, then we all can enjoy. 400,000 Malaysians can come to work and thats at least $500M or RM1.5 billion spent in Malaysian economy monthly.

What you feel?

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Post Malaysia MCO & CB for Malaysian Vehicles in Singapore

Hello friends,
Many have asked about this VEP issue that have buggered them alot. And this is the simple explaination for all our Malaysian friends.

VEP is FREE from 18 Mar to 14 April. So if you entered on Pre MCO, add the days (usually one or two days)

Every WORKING DAY is a charge on your VEP. Motorbike $4 and Cars $35.

If your VEP Expired due to road tax and insurance issue, please renew them NOW and paste the new tax sticker on your car, else an Enquiry of Road Tax Expiry from the JPJ LKM website can do. You need your MyKad and Reg no only. Please upload to the UPDATE VEP DETAILS website and if cannot then U need to email to iVEP@LTA with log card (GERAN), Insurance and Autopass Number.

As a general rule, One Calender Month is about $80 for bikes and $800 for cars. (I kena gaogao..koyak sia... cos never insert) plus admin fee of $100!
So if you remove by end of June... will pay about $220 for bikes and $2,000 for car!!!
Don't be shocked!

If you cannot tahan that...the Petrol price in SG lagi rabak ..unless U can borrow some friend's PHV card and pump at 20-25% off. Parking is a murder.

Towing out of SG cost about $300-400 per vehicle and there are some in SG Superbike group that does it.

Good luck.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Kombucha Tea - the new wave?

That is a good question.

Been seeing those nicely bottled products recently and I remind myself of the fermented tea I left in my fridge for I think ..almost a year.. provided the scoby don't die. What is SCOBY? That is the fungi looking something that got mutated from a jelly fish and a plant that grows in the drink. It's basically a Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria & Yeast and not the scooby snacks from scooby-doo.

Just an off note, the by product CONTAINS ALCOHOL that is derived from the sugars , similar to a cider and dependent on your usage, I like to make it into more or less a natural balsamic vinegar.

How much it cost? Quite hefty actually... and it can only hold fresh for 2 weeks before it becomes sour... .... I do have mine like I said for a year...did not try it yet....

Lets see later when I post the pics

Thursday, April 16, 2020

What I think of TPG Mobile in Singapore

Honestly, I have used them for about a year using 2 lines..and I am testing using 4 sets of phones, a dummy Samsung J2 Duo (my late dad's phone), Neffos C2, Samsung J7 Prime and my iPhone 8..which is a fair bit of testing.

Legal disclaimer.. I am not paid for this and despite being given free subscription , this is part of their beta trial and legally, they can't even charge because they violated their IMDA QoS which dictates a mandatory > 99% outdoors and 85% indoors including car parks, basements and underground tunnels such as MRT etc and there is NONE in the MRT for TPG... due to tech reason...

I posted a commentary on their page for review which is quite nasty...
 Honestly guys...they are not actually allowed to provide service if the coverage is not at 99%, and their calls cannot go to other telco despite using 4g+ VoLTE phone, and yeah... you need VoLTE to call. So unless you got dual sim and this is for your cheapo data.. I would not recommend it at all... and their roaming is no longer working in Malaysia... huuuhuuu...

and I honestly believe they could do better if not for their shortfall of customer service, and what nots.

They were great when they offered (poor) partnership with YTL in Malaysia aka YES Mobile and despite limitations, connections were stable and works, except for boon-dog areas such as out of cities and rural roads.

Honestly.. how can they sell a service even for $10/mth when there is no coverage for indoors and signal is so bad even at ground level?

Come on guys... just sell the license to MyRepublic and let them bundle em with TaTa - Starhub and save the hussle. Work collaborately.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

COVID-19 Woes

It's been a long while since I wanted to pen something about this pandemic, aka WUHAN, aka COVID19.

The actual term, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Type Infecting Virus 2019 aka COVID19 is a pretty nasty one. It's a VIRUS with a bad attitude.

Being a sufferer of SARS in 2000 with the Borneo Variant aka OrangUtan variety, SARS2002 is a more troublesome one originating in China and mass spreading into HongKong which in turn, colonised the modern world. So many death, yet it blew away in 6 - 12 months.

OK, Now lets start with the good part.

T-12 , with T-Day being Chinese Lunar New Year, is the start of the chaos. Why? Because Hong Kong student riots start.and the start of a blessing in disguise. Why I say that? Because of the riots... people do not visit Hong Kong, activities goes to a standstill due to civil commotion. And because of the Hongkong people prejudice towards mainland chinese, the China citizens do not visit the SAR, causing a huge drop in tourist numbers and travel advisories from many countries worldwide, including ASEAN countries. Many left the island and head for safer havens like Singapore and the like. Europeans, especially the British went back home for good fearing for their safety. As such, the population of Hong Kong dropped by 30-50% as the foreigners ran for their lives as the Black Shirt movement whack anyone whom disagree with their views.

Come T-4, October 2019, the masses left HK and those in Singapore left for good due to the tightening measures of the employment passes, and the tourism sector for the first time felt the pinch with arrival numbers drop by 2%.

So, now T-2 Day , which is when the China government discovered that they had this mini problem and needed to lock everyone down. The virus, SARS Corona Virus Type-A was found to be leaked and nobody said anything. Even the whistle blower doctor who died did not know much of this. Just for your info, Wuhan was infected with TYPE-A Virus which is now rampant in Americas and mutated to type B. Type A is the variant found in bats , pangolin and wild animals , similar to SARS 2002.

Type B is the offspring of type A which is transmitted Human-Human and it rapidly spread throughout China within weeks. In order not to cause grief and chaos, the China government did it at the correct timing, after everyone is with their families during Lunar New Year. Lockdown, Communist style.

Village chiefs lock everything down, no one in and no one out. Same as with the resident community heads in city areas, everyone must help one another as a community to survive. Herd Immunity as the Trump Administration calls it.

79 Days later China declared a win on the battlefield of Wuhan only to be hit by another wave by the imported cases in the border city of HeilongJiang. It locked down the city a few days earlier to stem to outbreak with the army put to task of building new emergency hospitals.

Come to Hong Kong, the second wave of riots despite the Covid outbreak shows that Hongkong students are a silly bunch of Raspberry Millennials who do not have a care of public health and well being. China styled lockdown make them go on the streets again and tear gassed by the police, a wasteful of resources when it can be channeled to saving lives.

Singapore on the other hand, shut air borders with China, HK, Macau and anyone from the PRC and these cities from transit into the island state to curb the spread of the virus. It was after the citizens yelled at the ministers online to shut it after East Malaysia shut their borders upon hearing the Wuhan Virus Outbreak, sacrificing their golden goose, the Chinese tourist industry.

Having learnt fro SARS make Singaporeans very fearful for their lives, stockpiling essential items and sanitary products such as face masks, sanitisers and the lot. Thermal checks are put in place in less than a few days of the movements and without any recall of troops or civil resources. Everyone seems to know what to do and what to watch out for. Kids in school are to take temperature readings, assemblies revoked and social distancing put into play with masks being distributed.

That was 2 months ago.

Now,  days after being put into Circuit-Breaker mode aka "DORSCON PINK" as Singaporeans put it, work places are shut, Schools are shut with everyone working from home or even Home Based Learning. How and why it was called Dorscon Pink... well.. as blindly we put it... everytime the Prime Minister do an address in Pink... it's BAD NEWS... and CB is a vulgar language in the Hokkien Dialect , simply put it... "Don't be a CB (****) and stay at home, You die, I die, everyone die"

It's from a local movie quipped by Warrant Officer Muthu (RIP)... so a local punt as we say it.
We guys will say.. Don't SABO! meaning do not be a jerk and kill us all.

However, the Europeans don't seem to take things in stride. Italy for example, was on a brink of financial collapse, feeding on handouts from the EU and with a broken population of aging people and young ones gone elsewhere to earn a living, its a far cry from being even called overstretched.

The Italy spread was caused by a British national who attended a company retreat / conference in Singapore and went to have a holiday in French Alps and spread it forth. He was infected by a colleague who went to Wuhan earlier and did not show any symptoms. This ski lodge spread forward to over a few hundred more in the days to come.

Now the bad news

Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia is deemed infected with Covid-19 Type C, a more bad ass than the WUHAN variant of Type A-B and the world is battling with type B mainly except in Americas , it's the Type A that is rampant.

What can be done?

As far as I know, nothing much. SARS, 20 years on, did not have a cure or vaccine for it, same as MERS and other Respiratory type related syndromes. It can only be blasted with the anti bodies within ourselves and whatever the underlining problems may be.

Some antibiotics are useless now, such as Amox,Cloxi, Doxy, Ampi-cillin type etc and  a higher dose must be used to whack the trouble makers. Keep in mind, this is a VIRUS and like any virus, innoculation comes from within.

A fellow comrade whom is a virologist suggested a cocktail of antibiotic waves be used to fight respiratory issues such as Brochitis-Pneumonia infestations which cause yr body to be weak. It includes a start with 4x Azhitromycin (2000mg) TDS, followed by 500mg OM x 4 ..resulting in 16 x 500mg dose, costing about USD80. After day 5 and it does not still go down, other concoction will be needed depend on the person. Do note taking a huge dose of Azithromycin will cause a big tummy ache and full flushes of LAB aka yogurt drinks ( I suggest 3 x 700ml bottles) or yakult will do a little comfort. This is a recommendation for EARLY STAGE if one feels lethargic, chesty cough and aching muscles around the fibula. These are tales of being smacked by the flu and it must not be dismissed.

Though there are claims of anti malaria drugs being used to treat COVID, these are experimental but cannot be dismissed entirely. Everyone has different reactions to different drugs and likewise the human body needs to be fully nourished to fight this bug.

TCM or even herbal medication can be a supplement in the fight of the disease and the best cure is to avoid being down. With a proper diet and loads of multi vitamins, the body can repair the under lining problems and smack it in the back.

More to come... I promise.